Cerina Dubois, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Department of Mental Health
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Cerina Dubois is a UM1 Postdoctoral fellow, co-mentored by Dr. Ryan Vandrey and Dr. Johannes Thrul - examining the health outcomes of medicinal cannabis users and working on the development of a national data repository for cannabis. She graduated with her PhD at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University - focusing on the health outcomes of Illinois' harm reduction Opioid Alternative Pilot Program, evaluating the association of medical cannabis use on opioid use, pain levels, and quality of life. Furthermore, Dr. Dubois spent many years at the University of Alberta analyzing and disseminating the results of Canada's largest epidemiological cohort of medical cannabis users. From this fellowship, Dr. Dubois aims to learn more about interaction between specific cannabis use products and their impact on chronic pain, opioid use, and mental health well-being.